Our pitch blog
Hey there blog! Today I'm going to go over our pitches with you guys and what we are leaning towards!
Pitch A: A teen girl wakes up one day after a long stormy night, only to discover that she can hear peoples thougths.
Pitch B: A group of friends get lost on their trip to Florida, away from family, and need to improvise.
Discuss pitch A: During a really bad storm, a teen girl decided to go to sleep after losing power and when she wakes up, she feels pretty weird. She cant tell whats off but knows somethings not right. she keeps hearing random things around her. as she talks to others she can hear their true thoughts and responses but as she calls it out, the reactions of others are freaked. Soon, everything makes sense. She can hear what everyones thinking and she doesnt know how to stop it.
Discuss pitch B: Friends and family decide to have a vacation to a nice and warm area. When ariving to fort lauderdale airport, the teens families were nowhere to be found. phones were dead and as every teen thinks, it wasnt such a bad idea with no parents around so they took their chance. they found there way around florida.
Final decision: Its hard to choose but i think we will go with "Pitch A" since it'll be a little harder to set up what we want for the second pitch. For example, an airport and more.
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