And our genre is...

 And our genre is... COMEDY

Hey there blog! I hope you guys are enjoying your holidays and having a great time. During mine I've been taking some time to look into what genre I want to continue with this year. We've all had a conversation and decided that comedy is our top pick! When going through the options, I thought comedy would be great because theres a larger range. I did romantic comedy but we were more closed off to how far we can take it. When having an open genre like this, we have a wider variety of options on what we can do to continue the storyline. Truthly, we know we also wouldnt have fun doing another. I rather have a genre topic that we'd be creative with because it motivates the rest of us to continue and keep going. While also having fun of course. Comedy was also in mind since other people we know could help us as background characters if we need it. It'd be fun for them to participate aswell if it came to it. Alot of people do horror and stick around a similar genre so comedy felt a little different. At least thats the pattern we noticed when we were in as level. we've come up with a few ideas so far on what we wanted to do. We've nailed it down to our two options in our pitch. I think they'd be entertaining while funny off the idea alone. Along with that, editing could help bring it all together. I've seen some short films and all the different ways they were able to use different shots, angles, and more to help. Ive taken some notes to keep througout our process. I'm happy to have finally told you guys our genre. I hope you guys continue to have a wonderful time during your break. Make sure you stay updated and check back on next time. Thank you guys again and I'll see you soon with come new updates. Bye!! 


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